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The innovative Tube ad concept features a disruptive brand collaboration

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    Cereal brand Surreal continues its unconventional marketing approach with a catchy collab.


    Disruptive brands riff off in clever subway ads

    The brand, looking to disrupt the cereal space, partnered with like-minded businesses Numan, cheesegeek and Gymbox for a throwback to Daft Punk in an online mock-up ad.

    Four simultaneous ads read ‘Harder, Feta, Faster, Stronger’ for those in the market for erection medication, online cheese, high-protein cereal, and an unconventional gym brand.

    Surreal coyly told The Drum: "We can neither confirm nor deny whether it’s a real OOH campaign or simply a ten-minute photoshop job. Let’s just say you could travel Around The World and probably not see it. Unless you Get Lucky."

    Meanwhile, partner brand Gymbox’s marketing director, Rory McEntee told The Drum: “It’s the quadruple collab no one asked for and several people tried to stop.

    Surreal had recently signed up Dwayne Johnson (not that one) as a brand ambassador, building upon its efforts to take swipes at the leaders in the space.

    Another time it offered consumers a chance to get on a billboard for a fiver. It has previously collaborated with Wild and Hanx.

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    Author: Catherine Jones

    Last Updated: 1702230482

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    Name: Catherine Jones

    Birthday: 1940-05-23

    Address: USCGC Phillips, FPO AP 93288

    Phone: +4066013090834323

    Job: Article Writer

    Hobby: Coin Collecting, Chess, Beer Brewing, Poker, Whiskey Distilling, Mountain Climbing, Soccer

    Introduction: My name is Catherine Jones, I am a variegated, persistent, vibrant, Determined, proficient, sincere, candid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.