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As the most popular meme coin continues to reach new all-time highs, what is the expected price of Bonk? Will it ever reach $1?

Bonk Price Prediction as the Hottest Meme Coin Keeps Hitting New All-Time Highs – Can BONK Reach $1?

The Bonk price has risen by 88% in the past 24 hours, having rocketed to $0.00002843 after Coinbase listed the meme token yesterday.

BONK has also risen by a very impressive 129% in a week and by 946% in the last 30 days, with the token also up by a whopping 33,000% in relation to its all-time low of $0.000000086142, recorded on December 29 of last year.

All of these percentages make BONK the best-performing top-100 cryptocurrency of 2023 and recent weeks and months, with future listings potentially pushing the coin to new heights in the next few months.

Bonk Price Prediction as the Hottest Meme Coin Keeps Hitting New All-Time Highs – Can BONK Reach ?

VIDEO: Bonk Price Prediction as the Hottest Meme Coin Keeps Hitting New All-Time Highs – Can BONK Reach $1?
Nels Learning Mix

Almost needless to say, Bonk’s indicators are currently through the roof, providing a clear signal that the meme token is currently in the middle of bullish growth phase.

Its 30-day average (yellow) is now rising aggressively beyond its 200-day average (blue), with the shorter term indicator having overtaken its longer term counterpart back in early November.

Bonk price chart.
Source: TradingView

At the same time, BONK’s RSI (purple) is nearing 90, a sign not only of strong buying pressure, but of the possibility that the coin has now entered overbought territory.

Just as bullish is BONK’s trading volume, which after falling as low as $30 million in November has risen to $1.3 billion.

This is a massive rise in trading, with the obvious cause of such a rise being Coinbase’s listing of the token.

Take profits if you must… Profits is Profits.

But the mania phase for BONK has not even started. Go check SHIB history

It took 3 months from Coinbase listing to enter mania phase

I will be surprised the market markets exit here at $2Billion now they got the world watching. pic.twitter.com/K0zMFWwqzr

— Pablo (@pablo_xbt) December 15, 2023

Even though BONK may correct a little in the short term, what’s bullish about the token right now is that numerous other major exchanges are likely to follow Coinbase’s example in the coming weeks and also list the meme token.

For instance, BONK hasn’t listed on Kraken, Bitstamp, Gemini and eToro, to name a few major platforms.

If such exchanges list the meme coin in the coming months, the Bonk price will undoubtedly continue rallying.

And despite BONK being a meme token, it has witnessed growing usage within the Solana ecosystem and its various dapps in recent weeks.

Last year half the supply of BONK was spread across Solana ecosystem to Artists, NFT, Devs and Defi communities in a time of need

So many stories of how this has impacted lives thru BONK's success along the way. Grateful to play a small part in this journey.

Pengu 🤍 is full pic.twitter.com/XyxNteNnpy

— // Kadense° (🐧,🤍) (@iamkadense) December 15, 2023

This suggests that BONK has genuine staying power and could become a real rival to Shiba Inu and Dogecoin in 2024.

If so, its price could rise to $0.00010 within the first few weeks of the New Year, particularly if we see a bull market, as some expect.

Other High-Potential Meme Tokens

VIDEO: Bonk Price Prediction as the Hottest Meme Coin Keeps Hitting New
Crypto World Daily

BONK may be one of the hottest in alts in the market right now, but it isn’t the only token likely to rally big in the New Year.

There are even newer coins looking very good at the moment, with several of these holding presales through which they’re building good momentum before listing.

For instance, Meme Kombat (MK) is an ERC-20 cryptocurrency that has raised more than $3.4 million in its ongoing token offering.

Some whale just bought $200k worth of $MK 🤯🤯🤯 This comes after many many buys into our presale.

That pushes us past $3.3 million raised⚔️ pic.twitter.com/gOAn09tpkA

— Meme Kombat (@Meme_Kombat) December 15, 2023

Unlike many other new meme coins, Meme Kombat actually offers some genuine utility, with its platform enabling users to bet on AI-generated meme battles.

Users place bets in MK tokens, with the platform also paying out winnings in the form of MK.

Once they place bets, users then watch the meme battles, which Meme Kombat renders in real-time and which are processed on-chain, making them fully transparent.

The use of AI means that results are randomized and immune to manipulation, ensuring that results remain fair.

And on top of any winnings they earn, users can also stake MK, thereby earning themselves a supplementary source of income.

$MK is now valued at $0.246!

Let's goooooo!!! pic.twitter.com/JS1sYtTlOf

— Meme Kombat (@Meme_Kombat) December 14, 2023

While the presale doesn’t have much time left to run, investors can still participate by going to Meme Kombat official website.

1 MK token currently costs $0.246, although this will rise to $0.257 in just under week.

Of course, Meme Kombat’s novel betting platform and viral use of memes could see it rise much higher once it lists on exchanges next year.

Visit Meme Kombat Now

Disclaimer: Crypto is a high-risk asset class. This article is provided for informational purposes and does not constitute investment advice. You could lose all of your capital.

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Author: Donna Choi

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Name: Donna Choi

Birthday: 1989-04-26

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Introduction: My name is Donna Choi, I am a enterprising, risk-taking, strong-willed, forthright, apt, courageous, dedicated person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.